Dedicated to European exploration since 1979
From full travel packages to individual services and event requirements, we can deliver exactly what you need – hassle-free
With offices in key European and international cities, you’ll benefit from our local assistance around the clock
We gain leverage through our established network of suppliers, to pass on cost-effective travel and event solutions
Our team can swiftly tailor-make a detailed itinerary to meet your requirements
In 2019 we celebrated 40 years of success as a European destination specialist. With a focus on providing high quality European itineraries to our partners in the travel industry, we’re a company that believes in people working with people. The steady growth of our business is a result of the strong relationships built by our leaders and teams with our clients and suppliers. United by a shared passion for travel, our professional and knowledgeable team understands the needs of our worldwide clients and this goes hand-in-hand with the support and trust that our partners and suppliers have given us.
Based in London, Daysaway Travel began as an incoming tour operator which specialised in student travelers from Scandinavia, Germany and America visiting the UK.
Europe Incoming established as an off-shoot of Daysaway Travel Ltd
Daysaway Travel began to diversify into adult groups from France touring the UK – both for leisure travel and for incentive group travel – which then extended to Spain and Belgium.
Expansion into other European cities lead to the opening of Voyages Daysaway which specialised in incoming travel to France.
The business had started to operate groups across Europe and the vision was to create a strong local presence, with offices throughout Europe offering the same high standard of service irrespective of location.
Demand for other destinations grew and this saw the establishment of Europe Incoming Scotland. James Grieve spearheaded this office, armed with vast experience and knowledge in a niche market.
Due to growing demands from our customers, EI opened an office in Italy which is headed up by Lidia Boscariol.
EI begins to offer pan-European services to more long haul markets, such as America, the Middle East, and South America, while retaining an ethos of based on trust, reliability and exceptional customer service.
The FIT market was growing and to cater to these demands, Staffan Nilsson implemented our online booking portal which has since gained its own success for both offline and online bookings, worldwide.
Dylan Lall is responsible for spearheading multiple projects for the growth of the business, including expansion of operating and sales offices worldwide and numerous online marketing projects.
Claudia Stimmel heads up our office in Germany.
Following increased demand in this key market, this office was initially led by Milind Salaskar with a team of just two. Within four years we now have 28 team members and India now contributes to over 35% of EI’s business portfolio.
David Boigne now represents EI in Canada and North America.
Europe Incoming London currently has a team of 38, with numerous divisions taking care of multiple market segments covering Europe, Asia, South America, Canada, North America, the Middle East and Australia.
Based in London, Daysaway Travel began as an incoming tour operator which specialised in student travelers from Scandinavia, Germany and America visiting the UK.
Daysaway Travel began to diversify into adult groups from France touring the UK – both for leisure travel and for incentive group travel – which then extended to Spain and Belgium.
Expansion into other European cities lead to the opening of Voyages Daysaway which specialised in incoming travel to France.
The business had started to operate groups across Europe and the vision was to create a strong local presence, with offices throughout Europe offering the same high standard of service irrespective of location.
Demand for other destinations grew and this saw the establishment of Europe Incoming Scotland. James Grieve spearheaded this office, armed with vast experience and knowledge in a niche market.
Due to growing demands from our customers, EI opened an office in Italy which is headed up by Lidia Boscariol.
EI begins to offer pan-European services to more long haul markets, such as America, the Middle East, and South America, while retaining an ethos of based on trust, reliability and exceptional customer service.
The FIT market was growing and to cater to these demands, Staffan Nilsson implemented our online booking portal which has since gained its own success for both offline and online bookings, worldwide.
Dylan Lall is responsible for spearheading multiple projects for the growth of the business, including expansion of operating and sales offices worldwide and numerous online marketing projects.
Claudia Stimmel heads up our office in Germany.
Following increased demand in this key market, this office was initially led by Milind Salaskar with a team of just two. Within four years we now have 28 team members and India now contributes to over 35% of EI’s business portfolio.
David Boigne now represents EI in Canada and North America.
Europe Incoming London currently has a team of 38, with numerous divisions taking care of multiple market segments covering Europe, Asia, South America, Canada, North America, the Middle East and Australia.
11-12 Turnhum
Green Terrace Mews
London,W4 1QU
Specjalistka ds. Rynku – Podróże to jej pasja!
Anita jest cenionym członkiem Europe Incoming od 2022 roku. Dzięki wieloletniemu doświadczeniu w obsłudze klienta i branży turystycznej, wnosi do swojej roli bogactwo wiedzy i pasji. Ukończyła studia w Wielkiej Brytanii z zakresu zarządzania w turystyce. Skupia się na rozwijaniu rynku polskiego oraz zapewnieniu doskonałej obsługi klienta. Anita jest oddana spełnianiu marzeń naszych klientów, dbając o każdy szczegół. Nie tylko jest doskonała w tworzeniu ofert w Londynie, ale również świetnie organizuje podróże po całej Europie.
Dyrektor Sprzedaży – Znajdzie wyjście z każdej sytuacji!
Z imponującym stażem 23 lat w Europe Incoming, pasją Beaty jest dostarczanie wyjątkowej obsługi klienta. Ma talent do zamieniania niemożliwego w możliwe, napędzana miłością do ludzi i swojej pracy. Jej ogromne doświadczenie i cenne kontakty pozwalają jej oferować usługi na najwyższym poziomie. Beata jest mistrzynią w organizacji podróży do Wielkiej Brytanii i innych europejskich destynacji, dzieląc się swoją wiedzą ze swoim Teamem. Jako polskojęzyczna dyrektor sprzedaży, skupia się głównie na rozwoju rynku polskiego i nadzoruje cały polski dział, który jest jej “dzieckiem” od samego początku.
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